Respecting your privacy

Privacy Policy


Toongabbie Baptist Church (TBC) is committed to respecting people’s right to privacy. TBC seeks to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988, despite being considered a small business.

Definitions and Abbreviations

For simplicity, Toongabbie Baptist Church will be referred to as TBC throughout this policy.

Elvanto is the main digital database referred to throughout this policy.

Types of Personal Information

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) defines personal information to include a broad range of information, or an opinion, that could identify an individual. What is personal information will vary, depending on whether a person can be identified or is reasonably identifiable in the circumstances. For example, personal information may include:

  • an individual’s name, signature, address, phone number or date of birth
  • sensitive information
  • credit information
  • employee record information
  • photographs
  • internet protocol (IP) addresses
  • voice print and facial recognition biometrics (because they collect characteristics that make an individual’s voice or face unique)
  • location information from a mobile device (because it can reveal user activity patterns and habits)

The Privacy Act 1988 doesn’t cover the personal information of someone who has died.

Types of Sensitive Information

OAIC defines sensitive information as personal information that includes information or an opinion about an individual’s:

  • racial or ethnic origin
  • political opinions or associations
  • religious or philosophical beliefs
  • trade union membership or associations
  • sexual orientation or practices
  • criminal record
  • health or genetic information
  • some aspects of biometric information

Generally, sensitive information has a higher level of privacy protection than other personal information.

Collection and Retention of Personal Information

TBC will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means, from you or your representative. This may be:

  • directly from you when you attend a TBC church service/event and provide us with your personal information;
  • as you contribute financially to support TBC ministry; or
  • by you providing necessary personal information for children/youth who attend a TBC service, ministry program or events. This includes when children/youth provide us with parental information for medical purposes.

Personal information is generally stored in Elvanto but may also be stored in hard copy files or secure servers. TBC takes all reasonable steps to ensure that this information is stored securely such as encryptions, firewalls, secure buildings and security systems.

People who are involved in ministry to children and vulnerable people will be required, by law, to provide specific information to serve in such ministries. This information is required to be held for 45 years.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

The purpose of collection, holding, use and disclosure of the personal information is to fulfil the ministry and administrative functions of TBC. The following list is not exhaustive but gives an overview of the general use of personal information:

  • to provide pastoral care;
  • to answer your questions;
  • to maintain a record of your involvement and attendance;
  • to provide you with news and updates about TBC (you will have the opportunity to opt out of further communication);
  • as required by law (i.e. to fulfil our Safe Church requirements);
  • to maintain our online database of congregation members (accessible by staff and congregation members); and
  • to facilitate church services and activities.

Accessing and Updating Your Information

Requests to access or update personal information can be directed to the Church Office.

Concerns, Questions and Complaints

Concerns, questions or complaints about our Privacy Policy should be directed to the Church Office.

Disclosure Outside of Australia

Your data may be transferred to and processed in countries other than Australia, such as the United States where Elvanto and Mail Chimp are hosted.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This policy will be updated if information handling practices change. An updated copy of this policy will be maintained on TBC’s website. A paper copy can be provided upon request.

Send us a message and we will be in touch.

Church Office

180 Toongabbie Rd, Girraween
(02) 9636 5050
[email protected]

Published August 2022


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